Tessa Eyes on the World, a debut novel by K. Prater and Salodius Byrd, is inspired by real-life experiences. The story follows Tessa, a young woman raised in an unconventional family in the western United States, who dreams of traveling to India and Nepal to seek spiritual and moral enlightenment after graduating from high school. However, her plans are derailed when her brother Xavier suffers a life-changing injury that leaves him a paraplegic.
Caught between the responsibilities of caring for her family and the desire to pursue Buddhist studies, Tessa’s journey evolves into something far more profound.
During her pilgrimage, Tessa confronts the harsh realities of human trafficking, cultural marginalization, and environmental degradation. Her encounter with a young girl sold into servitude in a remote Himalayan village ignites a deep commitment to humanitarian work. This pivotal experience inspires her to embark on a mission to effect change, ultimately leading her to join the Peace Corps after graduating from college.
While her Peace Corps placement is being arranged, Tessa negotiates to be assigned to a remote village in the South Pacific Kingdom of Tonga, a location that has never before hosted a Peace Corps volunteer.
As she integrates into the local community, Tessa reflects on her decision to distance herself from her family. In her quest for understanding, clarity, and hope, Tessa Eyes on the World portrays a young woman navigating the complex dualities of her choices with courage and compassion. This roman à clef novel captures her struggle to adapt and improvise in the face of unforeseen consequences, embodying a journey of self-discovery and global awareness.